Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Another Cop Speaks Up About Corruption and Retaliation

A retired Newport Beach, California police officer, Robert Morton, has filed a lawsuit in Orange County Superior Court alleging superiors went after him for reporting questionable police department  "double dipping" deals with a former cop.....
Morton says that in 2008 he filed his first grievance in his 25-year law enforcement career...



  1. DANIEL E. SHAFFER JRJuly 17, 2013 at 5:06 PM

    LETTER 1 of 8 in Series: COURT TRANSCRIPTS: Jew Baiting/Christian COINTELPRO: Community GANG Rape

    Dear OBAMA, Senators, FBI, USDOJ & Judge Jerome O Herlihy "CATHOLIC" 302-255-0800 & 302-255-0663

    My name is DANIEL E SHAFFER JR. I was born in the inner city of YORK PENNSYLVANIA & raised by an Extremely Poor Working Class Family. I joined the U.S. Army in order to escape poverty. I earned 3 honorable discharges (88-96 & After 9/11 03-05) I am a third generation U.S. Army Veteran. I earned big 10 Degrees in SOCIOLOGY. I am a SOCIOLOGIST. I am a former counselor to children & families. I am a WHISTLEBLOWER.

    I am the VICTIM of a HATE CRIME,(STAGED) Mobbing/Intense Harassment Combined with ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE, Slandered, Predatory Cop Stalked, Black Listed (By Ad Crable Christian/Freemason LANCASTER Newspaper)in the Areas of Lancaster, HERSHEY, Lebanon, South Central Pennsylvania & Delaware. Some of my Experiences of being TERRORIZED are posted on this Website: Petition 2 congress Stop Workplace Mobbing and Community Based Harassment

    COURT TRANSCRIPTS: LATE DEC 2010 PUBLIC DEFENDER RAYMOND D ARMSTRONG Christian/Freemason Present. Judge Herlihy"CATHOLIC" in Court Stated, "WHAT ARE UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE SECURITY GUARDS HEADED TO LANCASTER PENNSYLVANIA FOR ANYWAY. Something isn't right here. Did your Attorney Even COMMUNICATE with You at all. He is NOT DEFENDING You. Where did you get this guy at. He is NOT HELPING You. He is NO GOOD. Get rid of him. What kind of DEAL did these 2 give you. If you didn't do this you didn't do it. Do you KNOW you are NOT GUILTY of this CHARGE, Don't you? Do you KNOW you can be found NOT GUILTY of this CHARGE by a Jury of your peers. You do NOT RECALL because you Just didn't do this. Tell Me what they had done to you DANIEL. You are NOT DANGEROUS. Jail is for DANGEROUS People & you are CERTAINLY NOT 1 of them. I am NOT going to send you to Jail. There is NOTHING wrong with you. You are Just Depressed, that is all. SPELL FORENSIC DR ROBERT G THOMPSON's LAST NAME. Yes I will see your Evidence. Any You Have. This is Weird. What is he WHISPERING to you(REF to RAYMOND D ARMSTRONG Christian/Freemason). Tell me what he said. Tell me! Don't LISTEN to him. LISTEN to me DANIEL. You are from YORK & this happened in LANCASTER. WHAT ARE UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE SECURITY GUARDS HEADED TO LANCASTER PENNSYLVNAIA FOR ANYWAY. I am NOT DOING that. He is GOING HOME TODAY! This isn't making any SENSE to Me. Something is MISSING here. I don't get this."

    Something is MISSING Judge Herlihy, WHISTLEBLOWER Complaints: PHRC Case No.200800802 & EEOC Case No.17F200960329 Filed Against HARRISBURG AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE in LANCASTER PA (Intense Harassment & Discrimination Charges & Policy Violations. UD POLICE Report RIDDLED w/LIES,1.PATRICK OGDEN UD SECURITY Ex-FBI,ex-State Cop,2.VINCENT SHIPMAN UD SECURITY Ex-FBI African American Freemason, 3.STEPHEN SMITH SECURITY GUARD,4.PETER J LENHOFF SECURITY GUARD accused me of being a TERRORIST & Stated,"YOU WANTED TO BLOW UP THE UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE & KILL MORE KIDS THAN VIR TECH DIDNT YOU. SAY IT!,5.Unknown Witness, HACKER, THEUNIS VAN"HACKER" NIEKERK of NEWARK, LIED on ever single occasion to his buddies at UD SECURITY. HACKED into my Computer 400 times ILLEGALLY. FORENSIC Evidence Hidden from Judge Herlihy"CATHOLIC" & I.

    How are these HATE CRIMES(Jew Baiting & COINTELPRO Like TACTICS)& Hate Grp Tactics Helping VULNERALBE Outsiders to the Community, Non-Tenure Qualified Professors, Jewish Women, WHISTLEBLOWERS & U.S. Veterans?, DANIEL E SHAFFER JR

  2. DANIEL E. SHAFFER JR.July 17, 2013 at 5:34 PM

    LETTER 2 of 8 in Series: ECONOMICS of HATE: Jew Baiting/Christian COINTELPRO:

    My name is DANIEL E SHAFFER JR. I was born in the city of YORK PENNSYLVANIA & raised by an extremely poor working class family. I joined the U.S. Army in order to escape poverty. I earned 3 honorable discharges (88-96 & After 9/11 03-05). I am a third generation U.S. Army Veteran. I earned big 10 College Degrees in SOCIOLOGY. I am a SOCIOLOGIST. I am a former counselor to children & families. I am a WHISTLEBLOWER.

    I am the VICTIM of a HATE CRIME, (Staged)Mobbing/Intense Harassment Combined with ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE, Slandered, Predatory Cop Stalked, Black Listed (By AD CRABLE Christian/Freemason Lancaster Newspaper)in Lancaster, HERSHEY, Lebanon, South Central Pennsylvania & Delaware. Some of my Experiences of being TERRORIZED are posted on this Site:Petition 2 Congress Stop Workplace Mobbing and Community Based Harassment

    My 1st Experience in the Area of being INTENSELY HARASSED & DISCRIMINATED Against & COP STALKED was in LEBANON PA. I was hired by a Freemason/Christian JIM at the GOV'T AGENCY of CHRILDREN & YOUTH in LEBANON. The JOB was EASY! Soon After I was Hired I & a JEWISH WOMAN, KAREN WHITE were Harassed & Discriminated Against at the Gov't Agency. We had NO CHOICE but to contact an Attorney, WILLIAM BILL SPALDING U.S. Army Vet, Jewish Out of PHILLY (800-229-2762,Email:INFO@ABSLAWFIRM.COM). MR SPALDING sat each 1 of these DISEASED ANIMALS down in Court(In Front of Us)& Proved these ANIMALS were MOBBING & HARASSING Us. Mr.SPALDING took me off to the side & Explained the Dynamics of Hate to Me involved. BILL Explained MOBBING! COURT TRANSCRIPTS Exist! WE WON! I was then COP STALKED in the Community. The COPS would STALK & CHARGE Me with BIZARRE CRIMES in order to create a RESUME on my RECORD. THIS IS TRUE! They did this, SO each time I applied for a JOB in the Area, BIZARRE UNTRUE MANUFACTURED CHARGES would APPEAR on my RECORD. & they could build towards Further Charges & Crimes Against in the Future. THIS IS TRUE!

    FAST FORWARD, I was hired (Just Down the Road by a CATHOLIC)as a FT SOCIOLOGIST at HARRISBURG AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE in LANCASTER PA. The JOB was EASY! I Started being HARASSED & DISCRIM Against TERRIBLY by DEAN BRAD A WOLF"CHRISTIAN",his NEIGHBORS, COLLEAGUES, RELATIVES & College Security & Students from the Community. I kept track of Everything like MR SPALDING had TAUGHT Me. IT WAS 20x WORSE THAN BEFORE. CHRISTIAN DYADS of HATE! The HARASSMENT was INTENSE & RELENTLESS, so I decided to speak with an Attorney, VIVIAN B NAREHOOD Jewish(717-291-1700). I then Filed WHISTLEBLOWER Complaints:PHRC Case No.200800802 & EEOC Case No.17F200960329 Against HARRISBURG AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE in LANCASTER(Intense Harassment & Discrimination Charges & Policy Violations). At that point, then the UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE SECURITY in NEWARK Started COP STLAKING ME. The SAME COP STALKING as before! These DISEASED ANIMALS were Agitating, BAITING, Harassing, STALKING & Provoking Me by EMERGENCY CELL PHONES for 10 Months(Longer)after WHISTLEBLOWER Complaints were Received by the LANCASTER College. THIS IS TRUE! How are these HATE CRIMES(Jew Baiting & COINTELPRO Like TACTICS) & Hate Group Tactics Helping VULNERABLE Outsiders to this Area, Jewish Women, Non-Tenure Qualified Professors, WHISTLEBLOWER & U.S. Veterans?, DANIEL E SHAFFER JR.

  3. DANIEL E. SHAFFER JR.July 17, 2013 at 6:18 PM

    LETTER 3 of 8 in SERIES: THEY DO, DO IT!:Jew Baiting/Christian COINTELPRO:Community Gang Rape

    Dear OBAMA, Senators, FBI, USDOJ & Judge Jerome O Herlihy "CATHOLIC" 302-255-0663 & 302-255-2274

    My name is DANIEL E SHAFFER JR. I was born in the inner city of YORK PENNSYLVANIA & raised by an Extremely poor working class family. I joined the U.S. Army in order to escape poverty. I earned 3 honorable discharges (88-96 & After 9/11 03-05). I am a 3rd generation U.S. Army Veteran. I earned big 10 Degrees in SOCIOLOGY. I am a SOCIOLOGIST. I am a former counselor to children & families. I am a WHISTLEBLOWER.

    I am the VICTIM of a HATE CRIME,(STAGED)Mobbing/Intense Harassment Combined with ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE, Slandered, Predatory Cop Stalked, Black Listed(Ad Crable Lancaster Newspaper CHRISTIAN/Freemason)in Lancaster, HERSHEY, Lebanon, South Central PA & Delaware.

    A TRUSTWORTHY NAVAL Veteran "CATHOLIC" Non-Freemason/Non-Union Truck Driver for 25 years Named MARK Stated,
    "THIS IS WHAT THEY HAD DONE TO YOU DANIEL. For years us Non-Freemason/Non-Union Truck Drivers would be Harassed by the Freemason/Union Truck Drivers. We would be HARASSED, AGITATED(READ Letter 6 of 8 in SERIES:The DISEASED ANIMAL:See No Evil:The CREEP SICK MIKIE MIC LANCASTER PA MANHEIM) & PROVOKED until we quit, Lashed out in Frustration or tried to Defend Ourselves. Once this Happened, the Freemason/Union Truckers would quickly call the Freemason (CHRISTIAN) Cops. & the Freemason(CHRISTIAN) Cops would then Arrest the Non-Mason/Non-Union Trucker(WHISTLEBLOWER), CHARGE him w/FELONIES & throw him in Jail. The Freemason(CHRISTIAN)Cops(Pennsylvania State Cop RICHARD T DRUM & University of Delaware Security in NEWARK) would then Bust into the Non-Mason/Non-Union Truckers(NON-Tenure Prof,WHISTLEBLOWERS) House when NOBODY was Home & then MANUFACTURE more CHARGES & BOGUS CRIMES Against him. The Mason(CHRISTIAN) Cops would then contact a Freemason(CHRISTIAN) Journalist/Writer(AD CRABLE Christian/Freemason LANCASTER) at the Newspaper & he would BLACK LIST & BLACK BALL the Non-Mason/Non-Union Trucker(WHISTLEBLOWER, Non-Tenure Professor).

    I have seen them do this to my friends. THEY DO DO IT! They have tried to do this to me for years. I was smart. Each time they Harassed, I would put them on the INTERNET & tell Everybody what they had done to me. Once the Non-Mason/Non-Union Trucker was in Jail, He would be provided w/A Freemason(CHRISTIAN) PUBLIC DEFENDER(RAYMOND D ARMSTRONG Christian/Freemason WILMINGTON) & he would make a DEAL w/a FREEMASON(CHRISTIAN) Prosecutor. Perhaps a Freemason Judge(Judge Herlihy"CATHOLIC") would be Present & throw the Non-Mason/Non-Union Trucker under the BUS Again, BACK in Jail. THIS IS WHAT THEY HAD DONE TO YOU DANIEL. It is NOT Right! It is Wrong. THEY DO,DO IT! You must tell somebody. You must tell somebody or the HARASSMENT will Continue. It is strange they are doing this to Teachers(Non-Tenure Qualified Professors). It is Strange they did this to you(WHISTLEBLOWER). Perhaps tell the Judge. It's just NOT Right. Tell Somebody. It is Wrong. It is TERRIBLE & EVIL!"

    WHISTLEBLOWER Complaints:PHRC Case No.200800802 & EEOC Case No.17F200960329 were Filed Against HARRISBURG AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE in LANCASTER(Intense Harassment & Discrimination Charges & Policy Violations) How are these HATE CRIMES(Jew Baiting & COINTELPRO Like TACTICS)& Hate Grp Tactics Helping VULNERABLE Outsiders to the Area, Jewish Women, Non-Tenure Qualified Professors, WHISTLEBLOWERS & U.S. Veterans?, DANIEL E SHAFFER JR.

  4. DANIEL E. SHAFFER JR.July 17, 2013 at 6:41 PM


    Dear OBAMA, Senators, FBI, USDOJ & JUDGE JEROME O HERLIHY"CATHOLIC"302-255-0800 & 302-255-0663

    My name is DANIEL E SHAFFER JR. I was born in the inner city of YORK PENNSYLVANIA & raised by an Extremely poor working class family. I joined the U.S. Army in order to escape poverty. I earned 3 honorable discharges (88-96 & After 9/11 03-05). I am 3rd generation U.S. Army Veteran. I earned big 10 College Degrees in SOCIOLOGY. I am a SOCIOLOGIST. I am a former counselor to children & families. I am a WHISTLEBLOWER.

    I am the VICTIM of a HATE CRIME,(STAGED)Mobbing/Intense Harassment Combined with ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE, Slandered, Predatory Cop Stalked, Black Listed in LANCASTER, HERSHEY, Lebanon, South Central PA & Delaware.

    CRIMINOLOGIST FORENSICS DR ROBERT G THOMPSON New Castle Psych-Clinic Delaware: I explained to the DOC I was being Followed(STALKED)& Harassed for some time. I wasn't quite sure who was doing it nor why. I was Psychologically Exhausted & Confused. I Explained to the DOC what I had done in Hope that Later I could find out who & why I was being Followed(STALKED)& Harassed. I told the DOC I FELT LIKE A LION TRAPPED in A CAGE BEING POKED. I was tired of it & wanted it to end. I told the DOC what I had done.

    "THEY REALLY WANTED TO HURT YOU. They wanted to get you for everything they could & MORE. You are very very smart. It was smart of you to keep those TEXT MESSAGES & SEND THOSE TEXT MESSAGES. I believe you. I believe those TEXT MESSAGES were coming in & they were doing a lot more to you, YOU WERE UNAWARE OF. You are HONEST. I support you. Yes they are BUT don't you believe they are CORRUPT up in PENNSYLVANIA TOO. I wanted you to know this. An University of DELAWARE Security guard & Prosecutor came to me. THEY wanted me to INSTITUTIONALIZE you. I wanted you to know this. I told them"NO!""HE IS FINE IN LANCASTER & THAT IS WHERE HE STAYING UNTIL HE GET BETTER! & THAT IS MY DECISION." I wanted you to know that. You were pretty bad when you first came in here. I was worried about you. You are a little better now. I wanted to give you time to figure all this out for yourself. I have to ask you this. You are NOT seeing anything are you? I DIDNT THINK SO! Don't ISOLATE! Forget about your GIRLFRIEND (CHRISTIAN MENNONITE, Mother MENNONITE, Daddy FREEMASON COWARD Hershey Lebanon, Uncle WEALTHY Mentally ILL SHRINER Reserve Firemen HERSHEY LANCASTER). You can get another GIRLFRIEND. There are a lot of other GIRLS out there. Don't worry about her. THEY REALLY WANTED TO HURT YOU. You will figure this out in time. IT WILL TAKE TIME. I will TESTIFY for you. Don't be Afraid to Ask me for HELP. I WILL HELP YOU!"

    WHISTLEBLOWER COMPLAINTS:PHRC Case No.200800802 & EEOC Case No.17F200960329 were filed against HARRISBURG AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE in LANCASTER PA (Intense Harassment & Discrimination Charges & Policy Violations) How are these HATE CRIMES (Jew Baiting & COINTELPRO Like TACTICS)& Hate Grp Tactics Helping VULNERABLE Outsiders to the Community, JEWISH WOMEN, Non-Tenure Qualified Professors, WHISTLELBOWERS & U.S. Veterans?, DANIEL E SHAFFER JR

  5. DANIEL E. SHAFFER JR.July 17, 2013 at 11:35 PM

    LETTER 5 of 8 in Series: STALKING TERRORISTS(WHISTLEBLOWERS):Jew Baiting/Christian COINTELPRO: Community Gang Rape

    Dear OBAMA, Senators, FBI, USDOJ & Judge JEROME O HERLIHY"CATHOLIC" 302-255-0663 & 302-255-0800

    My name is DANIEL E SHAFFER JR. I was born in the inner city of YORK PENNSYLVANIA & raised by an Extremely poor working class family. I joined the U.S. Army in order to escape poverty. I earned 3 honorable discharges(88-96 & After 9/11 03-05). I am a 3rd generation U.S. Army Veteran. I earned big 10 College Degrees in SOCIOLOGY. I am a SOCIOLOGIST. I am a former counselor to children & families. I am a WHISTLEBLOWER.

    I am a VICTIM of a HATE CRIME,(STAGED)Mobbing/Intense Harassment Combined with ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE, Slandered, Predatory Cop Stalked, Black Listed(AD CRABLE Christian/Freemason Lancaster Newspaper) in Lancaster, HERSHEY, Lebanon, South Central PA & Delaware.

    "THIS IS ODD. The University of Delaware Security is KNOWN for Harassing Kids for Underage Drinking & Stuff like that. This has to be the Biggest thing that has ever happened in the History of the Unviersity of Delaware Security. You are NOT GUILTY of Anything. We are NOT PLEADING GUILTY to Anything. NOBODY COMMUNICATED with you. You were UNAWARE of the things going on around you. You are very very smart. I want you to know that. Did you get the University of Delaware Police Reports. I will send you FORENSIC DR ROBERT G THOMPSON's EVALUATIONS. You have many Options in this case. Yes I believe that University of Delaware Security Guard was calling your Employer. I know you are NOT DANGEROUS, I know that. If you need Any help, Dont hesitate to Ask me. I WILL HELP YOU!"

    These DISEASED ANIMALS were MOBBING/Intensely Harassing Me, COP STALKING Me & Agitating, BAITING, Harassing, STALKING & Provoking Me through EMERGENCY CELL PHONES 10 Months After WHISTLEBLOWER Complaints:PHRC Case No.200800802 & EEOC Case No.17F200960329 were Received by HARRISBURG AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE in LANCASTER PA(Intense Harassment & Discrimination Charges & Policy Violations). Now 60-90 Students Bikes are Stolen Every Year at the University of Delaware in NEWARK(& NONE ARE RETURNED) & these University of Delaware SECURITY GUARDS are STALKING TERRORISTS(WHISTLEBLOWERS)in LANCASTER PA. THIS IS ODD!


  6. DANIEL E. SHAFFER JR.July 18, 2013 at 12:03 AM

    LETTER 6 of 8 in Series:The DISEASED ANIMAL:See No Evil:Jew Baiting/Christian COINTELPRO Dear OBAMA, Senators, FBI, USDOJ & Judge Jerome O Herlihy"CATHOLIC"302-255-0800 & 302-255-0663

    My name is DANIEL E SHAFFER JR. A 33 year old Student I will refer to as THE CREEP SICK MIKIE MIC LANCASTER PA MANHEIM Entered a Morning SOCIOLOGY Class I was Teaching. SICK MIKIE MIC had a SHAVED HEAD & Drove a BLACK SAAB. For weeks into Months the CREEP would Harass & STALK ME thru the LANCASTER COLLEGE. He would HARASS Me 3 to 7 times a Day. The Harassment Ranged from Petty Disrespect to BIZARRE OVERT HARASSMENT to Outright Threats. 12x I approached DEAN BRAD A WOLF"CHRISTIAN"at HARRISBURG AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE in LANCASTER PA but he did Nothing about his Neighbor nor the Security Guard(TOP SLOP). By Phone, Email &in Person! At 1 point I Stated,"YOU HAVE A GATE KEEPER DOWN HERE. COULD YOU DO SOMETHING!" 12 times DEAN BRAD A WOLF"CHRISTIAN" was told but he did Nothing about his Neighbor Nor the Security Guard(TOP SLOP)!

    At the same time I was being Harassed, Another SOCIOLOGY Prof(Non-Tenure),Outsider, Presumed Jewish was experiencing BIZARRE HARASSMENT by 2 Christians. This Prof reported the BIZARRE HARASSMENT to DEAN WOLF but he did Nothing! So this Female Prof Visited DEAN THAD SAMPSON at HACC Main. He confided Mysterious things were Happening at LANCASTER & Profs were leaving but Admitted he couldnt put at finger on Anything. This Prof in frustration & Confused told DEAN WOLF she was Leaving. The BIZARRE HARASSMENT Immediately Stopped! She was Forced out of Employment & the Area.

    At 1 point SICK MIKIE MIC Stated,"IF YOU TELL ANYBODY MY NAME OR WHAT IAM DOING TO YOU I WILL GET YOU. DONT TELL ANYBODY MY NAME! NOR WHAT IAM DOING TO YOU!" SICK MIKIE MIC was working w/Another Student(CHRISTIAN MENNONITE)MANHEIM LITITZ & a Security Guard(TOP SLOP). Their MISSION was to HARASS Me as Much as Possible. It is a MOBBING/Harassment TECHNIQUE these Christian, MENNONITES, Looney Toones & FREEMASONS Engage in to Force Outsiders out of Employment & the Area. SICK MIKIE MIC would Arrive at the COLLEGE Earlier & Earlier each Moring. SECURITY GUARD(TOP SLOP)would UNLOCK the door & let the CREEP in & then LOCK the DOOR BACK UP & walk Away. THE CREEP Would sit & wait for me. He would FOLLOW(STALK)Me thru the College. He would SLAM his book bag Against the Wall of my office. He would walk in circles, LOOK/GAZE with GLASS EYES(Almost Crying & TEARFUL)thru the Window at ME. The BIZARRE HARASSMENT was INTENTIONAL & DOCUMENTED, along w/DEAN WOLF Actions, which were None.

    FINALLY DEAN MICHAEL CORRADINO"CATHOLIC"got back from Vacation. He was informed of the Harassment & Stalking. CORRADINO hid behind a office door watching SICK MIKIE MIC & Stated,"DONT LOOK AT HIM.HE WANTS A REACTION.HE WANT YOU TO REACT TO HIM!" CORRADINO then Stepped out from behind the door, THE CREEP SICK MIKIE MIC Looked Surprised, he immediately Stopped his BIZARRE HARASSMENT & Walked Away. An African-Ameri Secreatary Bea States Stated,"HE IS A MENNONITE DANIEL!" In Disgusted She Stated,while walking away,"IT IS TERRIBLE WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO THAT MAN. JUST TERRIBLE!"

    The Harassment went on for another year at HARRISBURG AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE in LANCASTER until I was ATTACKED by DEAN WOLF's RELATIVE. I then Filed WHISTLEBLOWER Complaints:PHRC Case No.200800802 & EEOC Case No.17F200960329 Against the LANCASTER COLLEGE. How are these HATE CRIMES(Jew Baiting & COINTELPRO Like TACTICS)& Hate Grp Tactics Helping VULNERABLE Outsiders to the Community,Non-tenure Prof, Jewish Women, WHISTLEBLOWERS & U.S.Veterans?,DANIEL E SHAFFER JR.

  7. s there anything that can be done about certain corrupt police officers in hellam township they recently got rid of one but according to a certain wealthy person living in the area he has quite a few of them in hiis back pocket helping him with his divorce
