Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Federal Trial for 3 Police Officers Begins

Federal trial for 3 indicted Tulsa Police officers set to begin
The Associated Press - May 30, 2011

TULSA, Okla. — Several Tulsa police officers accused of stealing money from suspects and planting drugs on people in a widespread corruption probe are set to go on trial. Prosecutors have alleged that officers Nick DeBruin, Bruce Bonham and retired Officer Harold Wells planted marijuana, methamphetamine and cocaine on people in order to arrest them for drug possession and pocketed cash during an FBI sting, among other civil rights violations. The men are scheduled to appear in Tulsa federal court on Tuesday. Two other officers, Jeff Henderson and Bill Yelton, are accused of similar crimes and will go to trial in July. Attorneys for DeBruin and Wells didn't return phone calls seeking comment. Bonham's attorney, Bill Lunn, says the defense team is doing everything it can to handle the case.

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