Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cop Caught Having Sex in Squad Car With Prostitute Tranny

Sources: DPD Cop Caught Having Sex in Squad Car with Prostitute
WJBK, MYFOXDETROIT.COM by Andrea Isom - May 12, 2011

DETROIT, MI (WJBK) - This man is innocent until proven guilty, but it has been alleged that a few weeks ago, a Detroit Police officer assigned to the Western District picked up a person with a very old profession. Police sources told FOX 2's Andrea Isom that person was a prostitute that is also a transvestite. She was also told the officer took the hooker in an area near the Northeastern District, parked his squad car and the two engaged in sex acts inside the cruiser while the cop was on the clock. Needless to say, the officer has been suspended, but with pay. Police Chief Ralph Godbee is working to make that suspended without pay. "Certainly, the allegations relative to the misconduct, even from an administrative standpoint, are troubling enough to where I think we should take very swift action as a police department," he said. "We will petition the Board of Police Commissioners at some point to suspend the officer without pay. I think it does a disservice to the fine men and women who do it the right way every day for me not to address this issue very forthright and very quickly." "I think it's important to note that this is misconduct that we discovered," he added. "We expect eight hours work for eight hours pay." The chief could not and would not say a lot about this case because it is still an ongoing investigation. However, Andrea Isom's police sources told her that it was officers from the Northeastern Distract who saw the squad car, went to investigate, saw the activity and told high ranking officials right away because in their eyes, no matter who you are, if you're doing wrong, it's the right thing to do to speak up.

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