Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Corruption Case Against Police Chief Dismissed Again

Corruption case against Edwardsville police chief dismissed again
The Kansas City Star by DAWN BORMANN - April 14, 2009

A Kansas judge dismissed corruption charges against former Edwardsville Police Chief M. Steve Vaughn because his right to a speedy trial was violated. But lest anyone think Vaughn skated on a “technicality,” Senior Kansas Judge Janice D. Russell added this in her opinion: “Our Constitutions are the basic, fundamental law governing our society. A citizen who asserts the protection due him under either the United States or Kansas Constitution is not escaping on a technicality; he is claiming his constitutional rights.” Vaughn was originally charged with allegedly hiding records of two persons accused of DUI. A second person, former Edwardsville Councilman Bob Lane, pleaded “no contest” for his role in the ticket-fixing scandal. Lane was subsequently found guilty of four misdemeanors — two counts of compounding a crime, one count of conspiracy to commit official misconduct and one count of official misconduct.

The case against Vaughn was originally dismissed in 2007 for speedy trial violations. However, the Kansas Supreme Court breathed new life into the case earlier this year when it reversed and remanded a judge’s dismissal. The high court said that there was one delay where further clarification was necessary. At a hearing last week, Russell heard from both sides including the original judge, who said he ordered the delay in question. On Tuesday, Russell dismissed the case again citing the judge’s testimony and other evidence. Russell said that it was up to the state to keep track of the speedy trial deadline. “This court must find that the state failed to protect its interest in prosecuting Mr. Vaughn within the 180 days,” she wrote. The attorney general’s office handled the investigation and subsequent prosecution for the state. Since Vaughn was arraigned in 2006, the case has been transferred to several different attorneys and judges. During the appeal, Gillette pointed out that the case has been dragged out long enough. It has gone through six judges, the Kansas Supreme Court and three attorneys from the Kansas attorney general’s office.

WYANDOTTE COUNTY | Corruption charges dismissed

A judge dismissed corruption charges against former Edwardsville Police Chief M. Steve Vaughn on Tuesday because his right to a speedy trial was violated. Senior Kansas Judge Janice D. Russell made the decision after hearing evidence and testimony last week. Vaughn was originally charged with allegedly hiding records of two persons accused of DUI. The case was dismissed in 2007. However, earlier this year the Kansas Supreme Court breathed new life into the case when it remanded the decision back to district court asking for clarification. After the hearing last week, Russell said she was satisfied that the state failed to give Vaughn a speedy trial.

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