Friday, February 22, 2008

Attorney General Wants More Information on Secret Police Fund

THE DAY By Eileen McNamara - February 20, 2008

Old Saybrook, Connecticut - Attorney General Richard Blumenthal is seeking information on a secret police fund administered by Chief Edmund Mosca for the last 30 years.

In a letter to Mosca sent Tuesday, Blumenthal asks Mosca for a broad range of information about the fund that Mosca has refused to make public. Blumenthal has asked Mosca for one year's worth of information about the McMurray-Kirtland Fund, including bank statements and canceled checks for all accouts in the fund's name and check and cash disbursements from the fund.

"As part of our inquiry we would like to review the fund's financial records," Blumenthal said in his letter to Mosca. He also said that if the fund has been soliciting donations it must register under the state's Solicitation of Charitable Funds Act or request an exemption. Blumenthal's request for the information comes after local resident Mary Hansen filed a state Freedom of Information complaint that Mosca had denied her request for information regarding the fund.

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